02 March

Green News - ecology funding, melting Antarctica, spinach meat

Green News

The year 2020 continues and with it comes more events. Ecology is not vain. 😉 Below I have for you another list of the most interesting events related to this! :D

Amazon boss Jeff Bezos gave a grant of $10 billion for ecology.

   The money is to be used for research and activist activities. This is to develop existing environmental efforts as well as the emergence of new solutions to combat the devastating effects of climate change on our planet. According to Jeff Bezos, the distribution of money from the Bezos Earth Fund will begin this summer. He also stressed that the fight would require the sharing of international organisations, national states, large corporations, small businesses and individuals. Previously, m.in have allocated equally large sums for ecological purposes. Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg and Tom Steyer.

Artificial chicken meat was grown at the Copernicus Science Centre in Warsaw.

   The director of the science center Robert Frimhofer, inaugurating the festival "Transformations", tasted the spinach leaf on which chicken cells were grown. Stanislaw Łobuziak, who developed this unique delicacy, described the taste of the dish. He claims to have a seaweed consistency and a slightly sweeter aftertaste. Do not feel spinach and the taste of chicken in it, according to him it is a completely new taste. The advantage of this is that the breeding of such meat lasts only 3 weeks. You also do not need to slaughter animals, it is enough to take samples of the size of the pin head from them. The leaves raised in this way can be viewed in the Warsaw laboratory until October 6, 2020. It is not possible to try them, because Polish regulations do not specify the consumption of such dishes by humans.

In Rossman, Czech Republic, you can pour a gel into your own reusable packaging.

   The company is heading towards zero waste in 10 drugstores in the Czech Republic is the ability to pour liquids directly into reusable bottles. The project was created in cooperation with Henkel. Specially purchased bottles can be filled with washing and care of the house as well as body gels. It isn't yet known whether the service will appear in Poland. For now, everything indicates that the solution is gaining popularity. The creators of the project announce that in the future cosmetics will also be added to it.

Wind and sun provided more electricity than coal.

    For the first time in the EU, coal-produced electricity is smaller than by organic sources. The report reported that electricity consumption fell by 1.7% ( -56 TWh) as a result of which energy demand is equal from 2015. It was pointed out that a few years ago more coal energy was produced in the EU. Between 2010 and 2019, the share of coal in the energy sector decreased by 10% while wind farms and solar panels increased by 13%. An estimated increase by 14 GW in 2019 and solar installations by another 17 GW, twice as much as the year before. This led to coal's share of energy falling by as much as 24% (12% tonnes) in 12% of CO2 (120 million tonnes) emissions, the largest decline since 1990.

High temperatures in Antarctica cause further melting of ice and snow.

   On February 6, 2020, temperatures in Antarctica exceeded 18 degrees Celsius, just as warm it was in Los Angeles that day. The heat wave caused the glaciers to melt rapidly. During warming 1.5 km2 surface was saturated with water. Never before has this happened in Antarctica. Although this event isn't so significant it's necessary to take into account that such events are happening more and more often.

 Michael Mann calls for mobilization as in the case of world war to combat climate change.

   According to the scholar, the US should take immediate action to combat climate change. In his words there was a lot of criticism against Donald Trump, who withdrew from the clean energy plan created during Barack Obama's tenure, with Trump again favoring the role of fossil fuels. According to Mann, further ignorance will lead to a climate catastrophe. Even some scholars say that climate change can no longer be stopped, we can at most prepare for the crisis that comes out of it. A lot of research indicates that our species is starting to die out as a result of the changes we have caused. According to these opinions, the peak of climate change occurred in 2030 as the average temperature on Earth will rise by 3 degrees by 2100, droughts will become more and more shaky. This will create increasing problems with food production (we can already see its rising prices) and maritime transport. Further changes on the planet will exacerbate further conflicts and the increasing spread of diseases. Unfortunately, appeals from people like Mann are often ignored by society, which is quite sad.. It is worth remembering that future generations will live in this, and probably not such a world we want to leave them.

Patryk :)

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