18 February

Simple recipe for vegan lotion bar

DIY Simple recipe for vegan lotion bar
Simple recipe for vegan lotion bar

Today I'll show you two  easy and quick recipe for lotion bars.
Lotion bar is a great cosmetic for trips or for people who need a strong hydration and regeneration.
I usually uses it for hand, foot or dried skin.

DIY Simple recipe for vegan lotion bar
Simple recipe for vegan lotion bar

Recipe I

What you will need:

2 tablespoons cocoa butter
2 tablespoons shea butter
1 teaspoon oil (I used sweet almond oil)
15 drops of your favorite essential oil (I used lavender)
Spoon vitamin E
Dried flower  petals

Silicone mold
DIY Simple recipe for vegan lotion bar
Simple recipe for vegan lotion bar

Recipe II

What you will need:

2 tablespoons shea butter
1 tbsp carnauba wax
2 tablespoons oil (I used sweet almond oil)
15 drops of your favorite essential oil (I used orange)
Teaspoonsa vitamin E
Dried flower petals

Silicone mold


In both recipes the preparation is almost identical, the only different thing is adding wax. 😉
I start with the preparation of a water bath.
I fill the pot with water and on it I put a bowl, to which I put butter (+ wax).
I set the stove to a low temperature so as not to bring the water to a boil.
When the butter dissolves I add oil and vitamin E.
I mix the ingredients and add essential oil.
I put a teaspoon of flower petals in the molds and pour mixture so that it obscures the petals.
I wait until it cools down and pour the rest of the mixture.
In this way, flower petals won’t go to the top of the lotion. 😊
If you don’t use flower petals, you can pour the whole mass into a mold.
Now I put the lotions for 24 hours in the refrigerator and after that time they’re ready to use. You can use lotions about 6 months. It’s best to store them in a can/ container so that they don’t dust and dissolve.

Do you use lotion bar?


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